Name badge = Your ticket to Matka Workshop Day

Please make sure that you have your name badge with you when you arrive in the event venue. You will need it to get through the gates at Messukeskus entrance and also to check yourself in at the the door of Hall 5. You find your badge on your personal home page.

On exhibition days 16-19 January 2025, suppliers need exhibitor passes. 
Buyers, media and event partners have access also to the fair with their Matka Workshop Day badge.

Programme of Matka 2025 Workshop Day, 15 January

7:30 - 9:00

8:55 - 9:05

9:10 - 11:25

11:25 - 12:55

13:00 - 14:55

14:55 - 15:25

15:30 - 17:25



Opening words

Meetings on Suppliers' tables. 15 + 5 min (change)

Lunch (no scheduled meetings)


Coffee break (no scheduled meetings)


Post-Work Mingle